How do you learn best?

     - The VARK and SmarterMeasures are great tools to help you understand how you prefer to learn


1. VARK Learning Styles Inventory – The VARK assessment measures learning preferences (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic). It is very short – 16 questions – and should only take you a few minutes to complete.  


2. SmarterMeasureWhile the SmarterMeasure assessment is geared towards online studies, it is appropriate for any student at ESC whether they plan to take online studies or not. The assessment will take anywhere between 20-40 minutes to complete. You can pause and come back in but be sure to copy down the pin to reenter.   


How do you prefer to organize yourself?


Study Space-


  • Think few different environments (places) that you feel you could do your best work in.

  • Make sure you are comfortable but not too comfortable

  • Make sure you have appropriate lighting

  • Make sure you have all of the necessary Supplies



  • Get a Three ring Binder

  • Make sure you have all of your books

  • Keep your learning contract with your class material

  • Have a folder for each of your classes on your flash drive or computer and e-mail