The charts below are designed to help you find resources from the Academic Support workshops as quickly and effectively as possible. We have organized the workshops under separate categories in the columns below. They are listed alphabetically, and depending upon the content, a workshop might appear in more than one column.
Go directly to the category by clicking the titles below
OR click on the individual workshop title in the chart.
How do I effectively & efficiently do academic research &
navigate the college's online library?
This workshop will introduce you to the principles of academic research & show you how to best use the ESC Library resources to find sources & cite them in your academic papers.
Reading & Thinking Critically Do you want to know what it takes to get better grades? Do you want to be able to read more effectively? Do you want to better analyze information?
This workshop will help you to read more efficiently and show you effective strategies to get the most out of what you read. You will also gain skills that will help you to think more effectively about the information you have read and better expand on these ideas through your writing.
Many of your assignments will require you to use higher level thinking skills. This workshop will help you rewire your brain & more effectively use new information & your current knowledge to maximize your success as a student.
Learning Strategies for Math & Science Do you get anxious when it comes to learning math & science topics? Do you find math & science to be foreign languages to you?
This workshop introduces students to some effective strategies for studying math & science topics & highlights some great resources available to help students learn in the math & sciences.
Do you feel overwhelmed when you try to pick the right resources
to include in your research paper? Do you know how to properly cite your research sources?
This workshop shows students how to effective use the research they have completed & put those resources together into a properly cited & well developed research paper.
Your learning style is the way you prefer to learn. It doesn't have anything to do with how intelligent you are or what skills you have learned. It has to do with how your brain works most efficiently to learn new information. This workshop will focus on helping you identify your own learning style & show you how to develop learning strategies that work for you so you can create a customized approach to achieving academic success.
Making Sense of Your Assignments & Texts Are you overwhelmed with understanding your assignments? Do you know how to present what you have learned through your writing?
Many of your assignments will be complex with multiple steps requiring you to use higher level thinking skills. This workshop will help you to break down an assignment to focus your reading and study strategies. It will also help you to take new knowledge into effective assignment responses.
Navigating ESC Online Resources Do you get confused by all the resources available on MyESC? Do you wonder how you can best manage your online studies?
In this workshop you will be introduced to the most important/”best” parts of the MyESC website, learning resources, the online library, career resources, the Angel learning environment & more.
Designing your own degree plan is difficult; writing about that plan is even harder. Thinking about your degree plan as your resume & the rationale essay as your cover letter is the approach we take in this workshop that will introduce you to the steps & strategies necessary to complete the most unique piece of writing that you will do at ESC .
Managing Yourself &
Your Time More Effectively Do you find it difficult to juggle multiple priorities? Do you wish you had better organization & time management skills?
This workshop will allow you to confront all of the directions that life pulls you: work, family, & of course – school! We’ll talk about how to prioritize & organize your life so that you can have time to enjoy yourself too!
This workshop will introduce you to strategies to use before, during & after reading to help you learn how to best focus & how to select important information from a text. It will also show you ways to improve your abilities to retain & analyze what you have read.
Designing your own degree plan is difficult; writing about that plan is even harder. Thinking about your degree plan as your resume & the rationale essay as your cover letter is the approach we take in this workshop that will introduce you to the steps & strategies necessary to complete the most unique piece of writing that you will do at ESC .
Do you feel overwhelmed when you try to pick the right resources to include in your research paper?
Do you know how to properly cite your research sources and avoid plagiarism?
This workshop introduces you to how to conduct good academic research, how to incorporate that research into your papers/projects, and show you different tools to help you cite your resources properly and avoid plagiarism.
Stress Management Did you know that stress
can impact you physically?
Do you need tips for de-stressing?
This workshop will introduce you to the causes of stress; the physical & mental effects of stress and ways to de-stress both quickly & in the long run.
Have you gotten feedback on your papers asking you to more clearly develop your ideas? This workshop will introduce you to the principles of effective writing. You will also learn some strategies for how to critically analyze information in order to more effectively write your essays & get through writer’s block.
Resume & Cover Letter Writing Having trouble getting your cover letters read? Finding it difficult to organize your resume?
This workshop will introduce you to the steps & strategies necessary to write effective cover letters & put together resumes that will best highlight your work and experience & career objectives. It will also show you available free Empire State College career resources.
Resume & Cover Letter Writing Having trouble getting your cover letters read? Finding it difficult to organize your resume?
This workshop will introduce you to the steps & strategies necessary to write effective cover letters & put together resumes that will best highlight your work and experience & career objectives. It will also show you available free Empire State College career resources.
As of February 8, 2012, this page has been accessed times.
General descriptions of the workshops appear in the chart below.
Click the images in the right hand column to access the materials and resources related to each individual workshop.
Are you a new student to the Northeast Center of SUNY Empire State College? Do you want to learn about the FREE resources available
to help you maximize your academic success?
This presentation is given to all new students at the Northeast Center during orientation. It provides students with an overview of the programs, services and resources available, and provides students with practical advice in time management and how to be better prepared to tackle the challenges of being a student at Empire State College.
Click below to see the presentation on the SlideShare site, or click the arrow on the presentation to the right to view:
Are you a busy student with competing personal, professional, and educational demands?
This workshop will provide you with practical advice and effective techniques to help you balance your priorities and take control of your time to become better prepared to tackle the challenges of being an effective learner.
Click below to see the presentation on the SlideShare site, or click the arrow on the presentation to the right to view:
Do you wonder how to conduct research in an online library?
In this workshop you will be introduced to the most important/”best” parts of the ESC website, learning resources, the online library, the Angel Learning Environment and more.
Leveraging Your Learning Style & Effective Study Strategies
Do you know how you learn best?
Your learning style is the way you prefer to learn. It doesn't have anything to do with how intelligent you are or what skills you have learned. It has to do with how your brain works most efficiently to learn new information. This workshop will focus on helping you identify your own learning style and show you how to develop learning strategies that work for you so you can create a customized approach to achieving academic success.
Managing Your Time Effectively
Do you find it difficult to juggle multiple priorities?
Do you wish someone could give you some new time management strategies?
This workshop will allow you to confront all of the directions that life pulls you: work, family, and of course – school! We’ll talk about how to prioritize and organize your life so that you can have time to enjoy yourself too!
Reading Your Texts Efficiently: Increase Comprehension & Save Time
Do you read slowly? Do you have trouble focusing when reading? Is it hard to remember what you read?
This workshop will introduce you to strategies to use before, during and after reading to help you learn how to best focus and how to select important information from a text. It will also show you ways to improve your abilities to retain and analyze what you have read.
Unblock the Writing Experience
Do you have a hard time deciding what to write about?
Do you have trouble developing a thesis?
Have you gotten feedback on your papers asking you to more clearly develop your ideas?
This workshop will introduce you to the principles of effective writing. You will also learn some strategies for how to critically analyze information in order to more effectively write your essays and get through writer’s block.
The Magical Art of Clear Writing
Do you get confused by grammar and punctuation rules?
Do you have problems proofreading your papers?
This workshop will introduce you to the magical art of clear writing through an overview of grammar and punctuation rules that often confuse and overwhelm.
Thinking Effectively & Critically
Do you wonder what it means to be a critical thinker?
Many of your assignments will require you to use higher level thinking skills. This workshop will help you rewire your brain and more effectively use new information and your current knowledge to maximize your success as a student.
Introduction to Library Research Skills
How do I effectively and efficiently do research and navigate the college's online library?
This workshop will introduce you to the principles of academic research and show you how to best use the ESC Library resources to find sources and cite them in your academic papers.
Planning & Writing Your Rationale Essay
Rationale Essay? Are you unsure of how to begin? Of what to include?
Designing your own degree plan is difficult; writing about that plan is even harder. Thinking about your degree plan as your resume and the rationale essay as your cover letter is the approach we take in this workshop that will introduce you to the steps and strategies necessary to complete the most unique piece of writing that you will do at ESC .
Cover Letter & Resume Writing
Having trouble getting your cover letters read? Finding it difficult to organize your resume?
This workshop will introduce you to the steps and strategies necessary to write effective cover letters and put together resumes that will best highlight your work experience and objectives.
Don’t Fall Behind; End the Term Right
Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the assignments you have left to complete?
This workshop will focus on getting you organized and knowing how to use the last few weeks of the term to maximize your academic success and set effective goals.
Tips For Managing Stress
Did you know that stress can impact you physically? Do you need tips for de-stressing?
This workshop will introduce you to the causes of stress; the physical & mental effects of stress and ways to de-stress both quickly & in the long run.
Learning Strategies for Math & Science
Do you get anxious when it comes to learning math and science topics? Do you find math and science to be foreign languages to you?
This workshop introduces students to some effective strategies for studying math and science topics and highlights some great resources available to help students learn in the math and sciences.
From Research to Paper:
How to Write a Research Paper Do you feel overwhelmed when you try to pick the right resources to include in your research paper? Do you know how to properly cite your research sources?
This workshop shows students how to effective use the research they have completed & put those resources together into a properly cited & well developed research paper.
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