
Mission and Student Outcomes

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Whether we are assisting students in developing learning strategies, mastering new material, refreshing academic skills, enhancing already good study skills or providing a support network, we focus on universal design principles endeavoring to provide a wide array of innovative, flexible and comprehensive services and resources for students, staff, and faculty. All of these services and resources are focused on supporting students’ enhancing their learning strategies, academic skills development and life management approaches.  All services and resources acknowledge that effective learning at SUNY Empire State College is self-directed, intentional and life-long.  Finally, we emphasize the relevance of academic success, learning/life experiences, first-term transitional needs and academic/study skills development within the contexts of actual course content.



Supportive and Welcoming Environments…

v  Creating both physical and virtual spaces for students, staff and faculty to interact, utilize/co-create academic support resources, and achieve academic and pedagogical goals.

Ethos of Interactions …

v  Supporting, encouraging, and empowering adult learners to experience success and become independent, self advocating and resourceful learners.  Supporting faculty in their work with students through collaboration, communication and assisting students to achieve content mastery and become life-long learners and critical thinkers.

Commitment to Excellence…

v  Constantly striving to not only meet but also exceed the needs and expectations of the students, staff and faculty.  Never being complacent with our successes and performing periodic reviews of the services and resources in order to improve all aspects of the services and resources we offer.

Maintaining the “Cutting Edge” and “Leading by Example”

v  Staying professionally active at the local, college, and national levels in the fields of higher education, technology and learning assistance. Innovating new resources and services based on the needs and demands of students, staff and faculty. Seeking out higher levels of professional development and benchmarking our work according to current professional standards of excellence.




The staff of the Northeast Center Office of Academic Support operate is a collaborative team, striving to establish a friendly welcoming learning environment for all students.


We support students in becoming successful independent learners through a comprehensive array of services and resources tailored to students’ individual academic needs and goals.  


We deliver these services and resources via individualized and group programming in face-to-face, telephonic and virtual formats.


We work with students, staff and faculty to develop programming and resources with the expectation that willing students can reach and exceed their academic potential with appropriate assistance.



Student Outcomes


As a result of utilizing the services and resources of the NEC Office of Academic Support, students will be able to:

  • Identify and manage their learning strengths and challenges,
  • Incorporate traditional and technology-based resources in their learning,
  • Use effective strategies in different learning engagements,
  • Create positive learning environments for themselves,
  • Increase their self-confidence while decreasing stress, and 
  • Improve their academic performance and development as a life-long learner.



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