
NEC Office of Academic Support Staff

Page history last edited by Lisa 9 years ago

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Northeast Center

Office of Academic Support


Professional Staff Page



Students can make an appointment* to work with any of the Academic Support professional staff one-on-one in either a face-to-face, online or over the phone meeting.  Please contact one of the members of the Academic Support Staff to schedule your appointment.


Lisa  Maureen  Kenny 

Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein

Director of Academic Support


(518) 783-6203 ext. 5939





Maureen Lundberg

Learning Coach


(518) 783-6203 ext. 5948 (Latham) 

(518) 587-2100 ext. 2827 (Saratoga)





Kenny Watson

Learning Coach


(518) 783-6203 ext. 5992 (Latham)   

(518) 587-2100 ext. 2827 (Saratoga)      


We work with online students and with students at all Northeast Center locations by appointment.    

(Adirondack (ACC), Albany, Johnstown (FMCC), Plattsburgh, Latham, Saratoga, Schenectady, and Troy


Peer Coaches are also available to work with students.  Find out more about our Peer Coaching Program by visiting our website.  Click this link to request an appointment with a Peer Coach.

General questions or comments?

     E-mail     NECAcademicSupport@esc.edu

     Phone     518-783-6203       ext 5939

     Mail        Office of Academic Support

                    SUNY Empire State College – Northeast Center

                    21 British American Blvd.

                    Latham, NY 12110


* We try to schedule appointments as quickly as possible, but at certain times of the  year it can take a week to schedule depending upon your and our coach's availability.




Former staff members:


If you worked with Kate or Sarah, we are sorry to say that they have moved on to other endeavors. If you would like to meet with another member of the academic support team, please contact us at 

E-mail     NECAcademicSupport@esc.edu

Phone     518-783-6203       ext 5939


Kate Stockton

 Kate Stockton,

 Former Learning Coach & Course Instructor 




Sarah Spence-Staulters

Sarah Spence-Staulters,

 Former Learning Coach & Peer Coach Coordinator 






Staff Training Materials


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